Threadfin Rainbowfish Tank Mates

Threadfin rainbowfish are a popular species in the aquarium hobby. They are known for their striking colors and active behavior, making them an attractive addition to any tank. However, choosing the right tank mates for threadfin rainbowfish can be challenging, as not all fish get along well with them. In this post, we will discuss threadfin rainbowfish tank mates and provide some helpful tips for selecting the best companions for these fish.

Pain Points

One of the main pain points associated with threadfin rainbowfish tank mates is finding species that are not too aggressive or territorial. Threadfin rainbowfish can be easily intimidated and stressed by aggressive fish, which can lead to behavioral problems and health issues. Another pain point is finding tank mates that do not compete for the same resources, such as food and space. This can be particularly challenging in smaller tanks, where space is limited.

Target Audience

This post is targeted towards aquarium hobbyists who own or plan to own threadfin rainbowfish. It is intended to help them choose suitable tank mates that will thrive in the same environment as threadfin rainbowfish and promote their health and well-being.


When it comes to selecting threadfin rainbowfish tank mates, it is essential to consider factors such as temperament, size, and dietary requirements. Good tank mates for threadfin rainbowfish include peaceful community fish, such as small tetras and rasboras, as well as non-aggressive bottom feeders, such as corydoras catfish. Avoid keeping them with larger and more aggressive fish, such as cichlids and angelfish, as these species may attack or intimidate threadfin rainbowfish.

Community fish with Threadfin Rainbowfish

One of the best types of tank mates for threadfin rainbowfish is peaceful community fish. These fish are generally small and docile, making them ideal companions for threadfin rainbowfish. Some good examples include neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, and guppies. These fish are all known for their vibrant colors and active behavior, which can complement the appearance of threadfin rainbowfish. Additionally, they have similar dietary requirements and can coexist peacefully in the same tank.

Threadfin Rainbowfish

Personally, I have had great success keeping threadfin rainbowfish with neon tetras. Not only do they look visually appealing in the tank, but they also create a lively and engaging environment. Watching them swim and interact with each other is a joy to behold.

Bottom Feeders with Threadfin Rainbowfish

Another great option for threadfin rainbowfish tank mates is non-aggressive bottom feeders. These fish are known for their ability to forage on the substrate and keep the tank clean from leftover food and debris. Good examples of bottom feeders include corydoras catfish, bristlenose plecos, and kuhli loaches. These fish are all peaceful and have a relatively low impact on the tank's ecosystem, making them suitable companions for threadfin rainbowfish.

Threadfin Rainbowfish Male

I have personally kept corydoras catfish with threadfin rainbowfish and found that they complement each other very well. The catfish stay towards the bottom of the tank and are not too distracting to the rainbowfish. They also keep the substrate clean and prevent the buildup of harmful waste materials.

Threadfin Rainbowfish and Shrimp

While shrimp are not technically fish, they are another potential option for threadfin rainbowfish tank mates. It is essential to note, however, that not all shrimp species are compatible with them. Avoid keeping threadfin rainbowfish with larger and more aggressive shrimp, such as amano and ghost shrimp. Instead, opt for smaller and more docile shrimp, such as cherry or crystal red shrimp.

Threadfin Rainbowfish and Snails

Snails are another option for threadfin rainbowfish tank mates, as they are peaceful and can help keep the tank clean. Good species to consider include nerite, mystery, and ramshorn snails. Avoid keeping larger snails, such as apple snails, with threadfin rainbowfish, as they may pose a threat.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I keep threadfin rainbowfish with bettas?
A: It is generally not recommended to keep threadfin rainbowfish with bettas, as bettas are known to be aggressive towards fish with similar appearances or bright colors. Additionally, both species have different dietary requirements and may compete for the same food resources.

Q: Will threadfin rainbowfish eat fry?
A: It is possible for threadfin rainbowfish to eat fry, especially if they are small enough to fit in their mouths. However, this will depend on the specific species of fish and their behavior in the aquarium. Providing ample hiding places for fry can help reduce the risk of predation.

Q: Can I keep threadfin rainbowfish with snails?
A: Yes, threadfin rainbowfish can be kept with certain species of snails, such as nerite, mystery, and ramshorn snails. These snails are peaceful and can help keep the tank clean.

Q: Can I keep threadfin rainbowfish with angelfish?
A: It is generally not recommended to keep threadfin rainbowfish with angelfish, as they are known to be aggressive towards smaller fish and can easily intimidate threadfin rainbowfish. Additionally, both species have different dietary requirements and may compete for the same food resources.

Conclusion of Threadfin Rainbowfish Tank Mates

Selecting the right tank mates for threadfin rainbowfish is crucial to ensuring their health and well-being. By choosing peaceful and non-aggressive species that have similar dietary requirements, you can create a harmonious and engaging environment for these beautiful fish.


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Threadfin Rainbowfish - Habitat, Maintenance, Tank Mates & Details
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Best Tank Mates for Threadfin Rainbowfish - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium
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