Chilatherina Bleheri

If you are an aquarium enthusiast looking for a vibrant and lively fish to add to your collection, then chilatherina bleheri might be the perfect choice. With its mesmerizing appearance and playful nature, this species of rainbowfish is sure to captivate anyone who sets their eyes on it. But chilatherina bleheri is much more than just a beautiful fish. In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about chilatherina bleheri and how it can bring life and color to your aquarium.

Pain Points

A common pain point associated with chilatherina bleheri is finding the right tank conditions for this sensitive species. As a native of Papua New Guinea, chilatherina bleheri requires specific water parameters and a well-maintained tank environment to thrive. Additionally, they may be susceptible to certain diseases and infections if not adequately cared for.

What is chilatherina bleheri?

Chilatherina bleheri, also known as Bleher's rainbowfish, is a species of freshwater fish belonging to the family Melanotaeniidae. It was first discovered in 1988 by Heiko Bleher, a renowned ichthyologist who found the species in a river in West Papua, Indonesia. Chilatherina bleheri is widely regarded as one of the most striking and colorful species of rainbowfish, with males boasting vibrant hues of blue, green, and orange along their bodies.

Main Points

Chilatherina bleheri is a beautiful and captivating species of freshwater fish that requires a specific tank environment and water parameters for optimal health and wellbeing. They are susceptible to certain diseases and infections if not adequately cared for. Despite this, chilatherina bleheri is a species worth considering for any aquarium enthusiast because of its striking appearance and playful nature.

The Target of chilatherina bleheri

Chilatherina bleheri is an excellent addition to any community aquarium as it is a peaceful and friendly species that gets along well with other tropical fish. Its vibrant colors and playful nature make it a perfect choice for those looking to add some excitement and life to their tank. Personally, I have had great success with chilatherina bleheri in my community tank and have spent hours watching them swim and play together.

chilatherina bleheri

How to Care for chilatherina bleheri

To ensure the optimal health and wellbeing of chilatherina bleheri, it is necessary to provide them with a well-maintained tank environment and specific water parameters. They require a pH range of 7.0-8.0, a temperature of 24-28°C, and a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding places. Chilatherina bleheri is a species that thrives in numbers, so it is best to keep them in groups of 6 or more.

chilatherina bleheri

Diseases and Infections

Chilatherina bleheri is susceptible to several diseases and infections, including ich, velvet, and fin rot. These issues can be avoided by maintaining good water quality, providing an adequately sized tank, and avoiding overcrowding. It is also essential to quarantine any new fish before introducing them to your aquarium to prevent the spread of disease.

Breeding chilatherina bleheri

Breeding chilatherina bleheri can be a challenging task as they require specific breeding conditions to spawn successfully. The ideal breeding tank should have soft, acidic water, a temperature range of 26-28°C, and plenty of hiding places. A breeding group of one male and several females is recommended, and breeding behavior can be induced by increasing the water temperature or providing live foods.

chilatherina bleheri

Question and Answer

What is the lifespan of chilatherina bleheri?

Chilatherina bleheri has a lifespan of approximately 5 to 7 years.

Are chilatherina bleheri suitable for beginners?

Although chilatherina bleheri is a peaceful and friendly species, it is not necessarily suitable for beginners as it requires specific care and attention to maintain optimal health.

What other fish can coexist with chilatherina bleheri?

Chilatherina bleheri can coexist with most peaceful species of tropical fish, including tetras, gouramis, and corydoras catfish.

What is the scientific name for chilatherina bleheri?

The scientific name for chilatherina bleheri is Melanotaenia bleheri.


Chilatherina bleheri is a beautiful and captivating species of freshwater fish that is sure to add life and color to any aquarium. Although it requires specific care and attention, it is an excellent choice for any aquarium enthusiast looking for a peaceful and friendly fish with a unique personality. By following the proper tank conditions and maintaining good water quality, you can ensure that your chilatherina bleheri thrive and live a long and healthy life.


Chilatherina Bleheri

Chilatherina bleheri
Photo Credit by: / bleheri rainbowfish rainbow bleher fish gs au

Chilatherina Bleheri – BAP

Chilatherina bleheri – BAP
Photo Credit by: / bleheri chilatherina

Chilatherina Bleheri(Чилатерина блехери)мъжки - Rainbowfish - Bulgaria

Chilatherina Bleheri(Чилатерина блехери)мъжки - Rainbowfish - Bulgaria
Photo Credit by: / bleheri choose board fish


Photo Credit by: / chilatherina bleheri guineen australo

Chilatherina Bleheri

Chilatherina bleheri
Photo Credit by: / bleheri rainbowfish fish gunther spawning au